- Today you will be working with your Computer Science partner. Do these activities together and take turns typing.
- Login to your computer
- Start Google Chrome
- From the PortaPortal home page, go down to Computer Science, click, and then select Scratch.
- (If PortaPortal isn’t there, go to www.scratch.mit.edu)
- Mme Annie’s Class and Mme Lola’s Class: One student: sign in to Scratch (use the Sign In button at the top right). Your Username is something like “AcadecapSS” and your password is something like “wefj78%F”. You glued it into your Computer Science notebook and agenda before.
- Make a Scratch program using the blocks on your Scratch Card. Note: The instructions are for an older version of Scratch and things might be a little different now.
- Try to complete as many Scratch cards as you can!
- Name your project with the title of your Scratch Card.
- If you finish with one Scratch Card, ask to trade cards with another pair who is finished.
- At the end of class, share your project with a pair of friends.