This week, students will complete their Orange Circle and Purple Square Scratch programs. The projects will be due at the end of class.
This week in class, students may continue their work started last week in Hopscotch (making drawings from a worksheet), or they may choose to return to Kodable Pro. This week in students will start a Scratch program that incorporates two sprites: one that contains an orange square and one that contains a purple circle. The goal is to experiment with blocks in Scratch that students haven't tried before: maybe "change color effect", "set size to", "change pen size by", "play note X for X beats", "broadcast", etc.
Usually I have provided an example project, but I want everyone to create something unique, and I don't want to damped the creativity. We will work on this project next week too. This project is due at the end of class on Monday January 27, 2014. This week, students will be using the skills they have been practising in Kodable Pro, using the programming app for the iPad called Hopscotch. Using a worksheet handed out in class, students will learn how to measure certain angels and determine the direction of rotation, and how to use the "repeat ... end" block.
This week we will continue to work on our dialogues in Scratch. Partners that started last week will continue with the IB profile characteristic they started, and those who start this week will be assigned on of the reminding profile items to feature.
Remember to make sure your program is completed, shared, and added to your "AcadecapXX for Mme Sarah" studio by the end of class. Next week, I will be showing these programs to the grade 1 - 4 students! This week in class we will continue working through the levels in Kodable Pro. We will be practising: sequencing commands, conditionals (when on yellow, do...) and repeating (loops).
If you've never seen Kodable Pro, here is a link to it in the Apple App Store: Kodable Pro on the App Store Students are NOT REQUIRED to work on this at home :) Today in class we will be using the "wait" and "say for X secs" blocks to create dialogues between two or more Sprites. By the end of class, your goal is to have a completed program that you have shared and added to your "AcadecapXX for Mme Sarah" studio.
To see an example program, check out: IB Communicators Dialogue Today in computer science, after reviewing how the IB Learner Profile applies in our class, we will be using "Kodable Pro" on the iPads to practise our skills at giving instructions and to learn about