This week in class, we will read the books "Wild Fibonacci: Nature's Secret Code Revaled" by Joy N. Hulme, and "Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci" by Joseph D'Agnese. Students will then have the opportunity to create their own Fibonacci spirals and other artwork.
The Touch or Avoid Game project (and written booklet) are due today in class! Today students will:
- complete a Self-Evaluation page - add a link to their Scratch program in their e-portfolio - show their projects to the class and their friends All projects of high quality will be on display for all parents to see during the Student led conferences at the end of May. As we didn't get a chance to work on this project last week, we will complete it today.
If there is time left in class, we will read two stories about Fibonacci Numbers and the life of Leonardo Fibonacci. Every student will receive a booklet containing all of the documents that are required to be completed as part of the Touch or Avoid Game project. Students who have not completed the Written Plan and Written Goals and Rules will be required to do so today. Students who are nearing completion of their projects will work on the Written Test Plan.
Students will continue to work on their Touch or Avoid games this week. Paper copies of the marking rubric will be handed out, and students are strongly encouraged to ensure that all of the written plans for their project are in order.
I often get a lot of questions about why the passwords I assigned for the students' Scratch accounts are just a bunch of random letters, numbers and symbols and are so difficult to remember.
Here's a link to at article by Bruce Schneier (a well known security expert) about how to choose a strong password: Choosing a Secure Password by Bruce Schneier For more information about Bruce Schneier, here's a link to his blog: Bruce Schneier's Blog This week, students will create a project in Hopscotch (on the iPads) called "Tap Me!" where they learn about how to set the text in a Text Object sprite and how to create and use a variable.
Here are the step by step instructions: Tap Me! |