This morning the students began with a review from last class to clear up any questions they had and to make sure it is understood what is being taught. Afterwords, students who needed more time from yesterday finished up their work on Functions, while others began to work on Logic & If Statements. Logic & If Statements allow for the students to force decisions among their projects through certain code, "IF" code being one for examples. The students were also reminded that they must prepare a project that will be presented in the afternoon.
Welcome to Day 5 of Java Script Camp! This morning the students began with a review from last class to clear up any questions they had and to make sure it is understood what is being taught. Afterwords, students who needed more time from yesterday finished up their work on Functions, while others began to work on Logic & If Statements. Logic & If Statements allow for the students to force decisions among their projects through certain code, "IF" code being one for examples. The students were also reminded that they must prepare a project that will be presented in the afternoon. Students enjoying the program while sharing their progress with their fellow colleagues. In the afternoon, the students went to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather. The students had a wonderful time playing soccer, being on the swings, and socializing. This is the part of the day where the students display their knowledge of the course and display their creations. Showing off their celebratory caps!
Welcome to Day 4 of Java Script Camp! This morning the students began with a review from last class to clear up any questions they had and to make sure it is understood what is being taught. Afterwords, students who needed more time from yesterday finished up their work on texts and strings, while others began to work on Functions. Functions make your code more re-usable by grouping it into functions, and then make those functions accept parameters and return values. Examples of Challenges & ProjectsIn the afternoon, after lunch and free time, the students continued their work. Students would be either be working on the Functions if they did not finish it before the break, or continue onto the next section called Logic & If Statements. This allows for students to control their program and arrange certain codes to their liking. Omar also introduced a ranking and progress system for the students to follow. It displays the ranking and level of progression for all the students to see where they can improve or whether their rate of work is efficient.
Welcome to Day 3 of Java Script Camp! This morning the students began with a review from last class to clear up any questions they had and to make sure it is understood what is being taught. Afterwords, students who needed more time from yesterday finished up their work on variables and animation, while others began to work on Texts & Strings. Texts & Strings allow students to display text on the canvas, resize, colour, and animate. Examples of Challenges & ProjectsAfter lunch and due to the fact the weather did not permit for time spent at the park, the students took their free time activities inside. I introduced the students to brain gym, an interactive exercise video that students can follow along and move around. Here is an example of a video displaying this. Guest Speaker & PresentationsIn the afternoon the students were introduced to a guest speaker; Rodrigo! Rodrigo is an undergraduate software engineering student at Carleton University. Rodrigo gave a talk about Java Script, his experiences in his university java classes, and the importance of Java in the future for technology and jobs. The students then gave presentations to Rodrigo to display their work thus far.
Welcome to Day 2 of Java Script Camp! This morning the students began with a review from last class to clear up any questions they had and to make sure it is understood what is being taught. Afterwords they began working on variables. Variables allow to hold certain values based on demand, create certain animations, and more! An example of a challenge. After lunch, the students spent their free time playing soccer, on the playground, and socializing at the park. In the afternoon, the students began working on the animation section of the course. This is where the students learn to take their creative side and give life to their coded creations! This displays the array of lessons and challenges they must complete. One student, Alim, even got as far as to create an animation of their own and create a video displaying the process! Welcome to Day 1 of Java Camp! The students began their morning with some jiu jitsu from instructor Phil! They learned various basic movies, while getting their bodies moving and mind sharp. After Jiu jitsu, the students were brought back into the classroom to begin the first day of java script camp! They were introduced to a great video on the basis of all program and the several key points about programming. It truly depicts the impact of programming in our developing world. This is a display (left) of the introductory program for this morning and afternoon. The student are working on learning how to program several shapes and how to colour these shapes. After lunch and free-time, the student continued through out the afternoon working on their challenges and assignments in each section. They worked hard and many surpassed what was expected of them on the first day. Here is an example of a challenge and a creative assignment being done.
Welcome to Day 5 of Python Camp! This morning the students took a step back from their python lessons to be exposed to several educational based videos on the backgrounds of the first computer program, how computers work, history of computers, and the human computers. After they were done viewing the videos, all the students would continue the assignments from yesterday. The students spent there lunch at the park and enjoyed part of the afternoon playing and socializing. After lunch and free time outside, Omar ( introduced two new Python challenges for the students. The two challenges force the students to use what they have learned through out the week and apply it to solve the challenges.
Welcome to Day 3 of Python Camp! This morning the students began reviewing the lesson on lists and tuples to clarify any questions they had. After, they began working on the new module called Dictionaries. Dictionaries is an unordered sequence that's indexed by declaring key: value pairs. After the student finished their work, Omar took some extra time to teach the students how to create a virus using Python. Post-lunch and a great time spent at the park, Omar gave a brain teaser challenge to the students known as the "3 Man Challenge". The students were very determined to complete the puzzle. For the rest of the afternoon the students worked on several assignments that forces to comply all they have learned thus far and apply it properly.
Welcome to Day 3 of Python Camp! This morning the students began to work on Loops and Iterables. Their goal was to complete all eight stages of the module. The students were taught the basics of using certain loops and iterables in several different situations and then they were set to complete the stages on their own with other resources provided such as videos and explanations. After they had their lunch, the students spent time outside on an extended free-time play as the weather was great and full of sunshine! It's great for the students to have that down time and time spent away from their computers to enjoy free-play and socializing with other students. Lists and TuplesThe students spent the rest of their afternoon working through a fast pace challenge of lists and tuples as their next phase of modules. Lists and tuples allow you to hold more than one value in a single variable.
Welcome to Day 2 of Python Camp! This morning the students were hard at work reaching new modules of the Python program, specifically module four. The students found it more challenging this morning, but many formed groups to help each other whilst learning from each other. After lunch, the students spent time outside to enjoy the lovely weather at the park! The students spent the first part of the afternoon to finish and thoroughly understand Module Four. Once all the students successfully finished the module, they were given a break from Python to be introduced to Ted Talks. The students watched talks from optical illusions through colour and perception to the TedMed talk of how David Blaine held his breath for 17:04 under water.
Welcome to day 1 of Python camp 2014! This week the students will look into the basic steps and several processes into coding using a Python program that is instilled with several lessons and challenges. Omar showed this inspirational video to the students to give perspective on the importance and impact coding has in our world. The students began the morning with some jiu jitsu to get their bodies moving and from instructor Phil! After jiu jitsu, the students began their online interactive Python course with several lessons, videos, and several tasks they must complete to the course URL: Introduction to the Python CourseAfter lunch, they went outside to the park to enjoy the sunshine! Students enjoyed playing basketball, football, and socializing on the playground. Challenge #1: HangmanThe students were then assigned to a challenge of using what they have learned about Python in terms of coding to play Hangman.